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A Virtual Reality Interios Self-Design Mobile App

About The Product : Experience Interior Design Ideas Right Within Your Space

How might we use Virtual Reality to allow customers to make informed design decisions easily? 

Background Study - VR Methods of execution

  • Fully Immersive

  • Augmented Reality

  • Mixed Reality

  • Non- Immersive

  • Semi- Immersive

Semi-Immersive VR

Factors to Consider in Method of Execution

  • Accessibility

  • Learning Curve

  • Financial Execution

User Research

The Problem

  • Provision of several visual options

  • Provision of several Vendor options

  • Provision of Immersive VR only as an option

  • Verification system for Vendors

  • Feedback system on goods being sold (reviews)

How Might We...

  • Make self-interior design as seamless as possible?

  • Enable visualization and editing of ideas before implementation?

  • Provide optional Interior Designers seamlessly ?

  • Provide different options and price points for designs?

Possible Solutions

  • ​Provision of several visual options

  • Provision of several Vendor options

  • Provision of Immersive VR only as an option

  • Verification system for Vendors

  • Feedback system on goods being sold (reviews)

I decide to use Surveys
and Secondary Data as my main Research Methods

  • ​To design a user persona

  • To figure out what types of people(classifications) would prefer using the app and wheat features they would need

  • To figure out how they would want to interact with designers if any

Survey Results and Breakdown

Total Responses : 42

Male : 43.8%

Female : 56.3%

Level of Education



Employment Status

Project Reflections

What did I learn?

This was a heavily UI focused project. I enjoyed working creatively with color while implementing the industry standard in terms of :

  • Contrast

  • Readability

  • Harmony

  • Tokenization for easy developer handoff

Aspirational Design

Being a website meant for website creators, the goal was to use aspirational design to draw in clients through bold but harmonius color, shapes, and engaging motion.

What did I achieve ?

Designing for attention

Using Motion
I was able to use Spline to introduce attention capturing Motion that communicates in line with the client's vision. The incorporation of looping videos within the portfolio is engaging as well and a quick representation of the projects.

Removing Distractions
Focusing on one task/topic at a time

Tactile Design
The Spline embed is responsive to cursor movement and gives the users something to do while interacting with the website

Is the level of ownership of a space related  to how much one would want to change their space?

What might change is the ability to purchase - which would be solved by:

  • The app being able to provide different visual options according to style (randomize)

  • Providing different purchase/ vendor options with a wide price range (pop-up when you tap an object)

  • Providing 3D Street Map view as well as Immersive VR option

However in terms of e-commerce, the app will focus on Lower and Upper Middle Class based on information from the survey created

Incorporating Interior Design E-Commerce

Kenya’s middle class – defined by the African Development Bank as those earning an annual income of $3900 or more – accounts for 44.9% of the population See Here

92% of the respondents responded to wanting their home to reflect their beliefs, experiences and style. (On a scale of 1-10 - over 5) . 79% of the respondents responded positively to regularly looking for items for their home that they feel represent. (On a scale of 1-10 - over 5) 74% of the respondents willing to incorporate expert consultation for their home. (On a scale of 1-10 - over 5)

Project Information

Project Type

Mobile App


UI Design


UI Designer


Interior Design, VR

Incorporating the option of Incorporating Interior Design Professionals

92%  of the respondents have never engaged professional services before. Out of the 8% who have, 75% were satisfied with the services they procured (a score of over 6)

However, some of the challenges they experienced with procuring a service were:

  • They felt the professionals didn’t understand the vision they had in mind

  • They felt the designers prioritized their own preferences over their clients

  • Poor Delivery Time on the Professionals end despite good workmanship

  • Lack of original ideas

Based on research, I would deal with engaging interior designers/experts in the following means...

  • Offer consultations first before VR software editing

  • Take room test (show rooms of different styles ) to match you with top three designers who match your style

Optimizing e-commerce within the service

How does secondary research suggest we optimize this experience?

  • Refer to other sellers  and (Co-branding)

  • Verification system

  • Regular Updates on tracking and delivery

  • Escrow System

  • Feedback system from customer

86% of the respondents have used online purchasing services before, however 58% of them prefer exclusively buying only small goods like decor items with 75% generally preferring to buy just small goods.

How do the users suggest we optimize this experience?

  • Delivery Charges

  • Variety

  • Faster Delivery

  • Ability to know for sure the physical aspects of the goods being purchased (What you see vs. what you get)

  • More Product Information

  • Verification of Seller Data and reliability

  • Interaction of the product before purchase

  • Tracking Purchase and delivery

Being an interior design app that can potentially provide that service ( including professionals is a premium service) the goal is to implement some of these needs.

  • Regular Updated on the UI

  • Provide items as well as where they come from

  • Group items (once selected into seating, tables etc. and enable one to access the database and change items) Maximize choice

Competitive Analysis

SWOT Analysis

User Persona

Design System

Sign Up and Onboarding


VUE Mall and E-Commerce

Project Editing Screens

Book Consultation with an Expert

Expert Dashboard


User Journey

Contact Me.

Click Here to write me an email.
I will respond within 48 hours. Can't wait!

Survey Analysis Questions

Is the level of ownership of a space related  to how much one would want to change their space?

According to income statistics (See Here) that ownership of a space (wanting a space to look like you, your beliefs and ideals) does not influence the desire of a person to change their space. 

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